A crowd-funding campaign on IndieGoGo aims to raise one million dollars to help set up a hotel in Greece. The campaign is in the “flexible funding” category, meaning that if the goal is not reached then the money raised will not be returned but will be divided between hoteliers in the area.
The campaign states:
Let’s all be part of this first of a kind hotel in Greece and have free rooms by the sea!
We’re here asking for your fundings to make the 1st indiegogo crowdfunded hotel come true, here in Greece by the Greek sea and give tourism a new perspective!
Our primary goal is to make a 5-star hotel in Greece by the sea with your help and give back to you as many free rooms as possible!
All the funders will be rewarded in many ways. From discount coupons and draw coupons to free rooms!
Meanwhile you’ll be able to create a strong bond, foul of priviledges with a unique summer destination for you, your friends and your family.
Get informed of our unique perks and discover the possibilities…
The crowdfunding is eyeing two locations, one in Halkidiki and the other at Mt. Olympus…
Once the goal is reached there will be a big draw for 30 free rooms for 7 days for 30 lucky funders. The funders will also have priority when choosing their booking dates every seasoning and free rooms to beneficiaries who will also be able to transfer the free room to other individuals provided they give prior notice.
CLICK HERE to visit the crowdfunding campaign…
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