The adage “One man’s meat is another man’s poison” probably could not find a better application to the various crazy sexual customs and traditions from around the world. Even for western society’s liberal standards, where the number of sexual identity genders is rising faster than lightning, or the right to marry animals is being accepted in some countries, some of these practices would seem over the edge! In a Papua New Guinean tribe, for instance, boys have sex at the age of 10 and girls at 6, while in another tribe boys have to drink the sperm of all the members of the group as a passage rite to adulthood! In some Australian aborigine tribes boys are forced to eat the severed part of their foreskin after they undergo circumcision, while in some regions of the Himalayas male siblings share the same sexual partner. In Haiti, as part of a Vudu ceremony people roll in the mud (a familiar sight in the west, we must admit). Here is a a top ten list of strange sexual traditions.
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