A document from the British House of Commons on Foreign Affairs shows the pressures Athens is facing on the Macedonian matter, revealing that the UK, one of the most powerful NATO members, is pushing for the inclusion of FYROM into the military alliance regardless of a solution to the name dispute with Greece.
Although just last week, NATO Secretary-General Yen Stoltenberg, just before his visit to FYROM, underlined that without an agreement between Athens and Skopje, FYROM would not join the North Atlantic Alliance, Great Britain’s House of Commons, recommended that Skopje join NATO, completely disregarding Greece’s positions on the matter.
In the document titled “The UK and the future of the Western Balkans”, the piece clearly says: “The Government should support measures to help ‘Macedonia’ join NATO, with or without a solution to the name issue”.
The document also welcomes the assistance of the British Government to Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia, underlining that the accession of these two countries to NATO would strengthen stability and peace in the region of the Western Balkans.
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