The European Union’s reaction to terror attacks like the attack on the Bataclan in Paris in November 2015 involved a firearms directive, which member states including Luxembourg must now transform into legislation.
On Wednesday morning, the parliamentary commission on justice examined the draft bill. The legislation is especially likely to affect those who collect firearms. Collectors owning live firearms will have to have deactivated following the new law on weapons.
Green party MP Charles Margue has heard the complaints of collectors, who say their weapons will lose value and substance in being deactivated. The opposition party CSV also acknowledged the grievances of collectors, having put together three amendments in that spirit.
MP Laurent Mosar expressed his support on stricter gun legislation in order to prevent further terror attacks, but described legislation affecting collectors and hunters as moving away from the point. He argued that hunters and collectors are not the demographic likely to make up a terror threat to Luxembourg. Instead, Mosar claimed that “those who want to access illegal weapons have hundreds of opportunities to do so.” He said the legislation against collectors would not affect those who use illegally-purchased guns and weapons.
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