Some of the following countries you will probably know, others you might never have heard of.
Here are some interesting and strange factoids you probably did not know about these countries.
1. More than 25% of the world’s forests are in Siberia, as the area is covered by 40% of large coniferous forests, while in abundance are firs, birches, poplars, etc.
2. More than 800 different languages are spoken in Papua New Guinea.
3. New Zealand was the first country to grant women the right to vote in 1893.
4. The island of Nauru in Indonesia is almost 100% overweight, as its inhabitants are all obese.
5. In the Falkland Islands there are 350 sheep per person.
6. The island of Pacific Guam builds its roads from coral as it has no sand at all. To be precise, asphalt is made from a mixture of corals and oil!
7. Singapore has no province, no meadows, and no fields. The whole island is a metropolis!
8. Almost half of Nigeria’s population (49%) has not reached adolescence, making the country the youngest population.
9. In Australia, the number of kangaroos living there is twice that of humans.
10. 60% of the lakes in the world are located in Canada, which number about 3,00,000!
11. In Italy, and more specifically in Milan, there is an old law in force (on paper, at least) that obliges citizens who are in public to keep smiling. Exceptions are those who attend funerals or visit patients in hospitals!
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