The 15th International Naked Cycling Race took place in Thessaloniki for another year.
Dozens of people, members of collectives and cyclists of the city, gathered in the early afternoon on the lawns of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and shortly before 20.00 started cycling in the main streets of the city.
“It is time to put an end to the obscene exposure of humans and the planet to pollution and violence “, is the message of the event, while in a relevant call they state: “Come as naked as you dare, with rollers, without motorbikes. Participation is free”.
According to the organisers in a relevant announcement, the International Naked Cycling Race is an international self-organised and decentralized movement and more than 70 cities around the world participate in it, while in Greece it takes place in Thessaloniki since 2008 with concerts, events, and parallel events.
“It is a celebration of the promotion of cycling as a means of transportation and gentle mobility, against the culture of the car and the pollution it creates. For our detoxification from oil, lignite, and non-mild renewable energy sources. For ecology, environment, climate change, reconnection with nature, degeneration, vegetarianism, peace & non-violence, human and non-human animal rights, freedom of body, expression and sexuality, equality and diversity, the rewarding of our natural naked body, without discrimination”.
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