A new large earthquake of similar magnitude to the one that has killed more than 1,300 people in Syria and Turkey occurred at 12:24 (Greece time) in Turkey.
According to the Euro-Mediterranean Seismological Institute, the earthquake had a magnitude of 7.7 on the Richter Scale.
Canlı yayında deprem anı
? Kahramanmaraş ili Elbistan ilçesinde saat 13.24’te 7,6 büyüklüğünde bir deprem daha meydana geldi.
— Yeni Şafak (@yenisafak) February 6, 2023
The epicenter of the earthquake at noon on Monday was 67 km northeast of the city of Kahramanmaras, near the border with Syria, in one of the areas where rescue operations for those trapped in the debris are being carried out.
Kahramanmaraş merkezli 7.7 şiddetindeki deprem Şanlıurfa’yı da vurmuştu! Kurtarma çalışmalarının sürdüğü sırada bir deprem daha meydana geldi. O anlar canlı yayına anbean yansıdı.
— Hürriyet.com.tr (@Hurriyet) February 6, 2023
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