As emphasized, “the Hellenic Air Force constitutes a pillar of deterrence for the country but also a pillar of contribution to the societal whole. Its effectiveness and the high capability of its personnel are a guarantee for the security of the homeland as well as stability in the wider region, aiming at deterring any aggression and revisionism.”

Mr. Dendias also referred to the efforts of the Greek state towards “strengthening and modernizing the Hellenic Air Force. The acquisition of Rafale and F-16 aircraft enhances our squadrons. We are already discussing the acquisition of the F-35 which will further enhance the deterrent capability of our homeland.”

Finally, the Minister of National Defense also mentioned that “Greece is also striving to revive the defense industry and create a new innovation system to produce defense systems ourselves,” while thanking the personnel of the Hellenic Air Force for their recent service to the homeland.
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Nikos Dendias took the opportunity to fly with the Hellenic Air Force’s F-16D Viper during his visit to the 340 Squadron of the 115th Combat Wing as part of his two-day presence in Crete.

After completing the briefing, the Minister of National Defense boarded the F-16 Viper for a flight over the Aegean Sea in formation with aircraft carrying the Chief of the Hellenic National Defense General Staff (HNDGS) and the Chief of the Hellenic Air Force General Staff (HAFGS).