The company promotes greater flexibility for consumers who wish to install rooftop solar panels and proceed with the production of the electrical energy they consume. The enterprise encourages the use of renewable energy sources in the residential sector and expands the operational framework of the “myEnergy SolarNet” program, which started providing services about a year ago. In collaboration with the National Bank, it offers up to 24 interest-free installments for the investment repayment, providing additional incentives for consumers to green their energy consumption at home.
Customers who decide to settle the entire expense by June 30th secure a 10% discount on the final price, provided they have paid 30% of the total cost in advance. This down payment is a necessary condition to facilitate the 24 installments.
The flexibility provided by the DEI program is that installment selection can be made through the company’s special digital tool ( Subsequently, customers can submit a financing application for the interest-free installments through the National Bank via the link provided, which can be finalized within 24 hours and without obligation.
With the integrated solution of DEI myEnergy SolarNet, the photovoltaic system produces electrical energy that is either consumed directly in the household (self-consumption) or injected into the grid.
The electrical energy obtained from the grid when the photovoltaic system is not producing (nighttime hours, cloudy weather) is termed “absorbed energy,” which can be stored by adding a battery (with storage capacity of up to 30kW), allowing its use during times when the photovoltaic system is not generating electricity.
Depending on a household’s consumption, a self-generation system offers significant advantages. For example, for an annual production of 4,000 kWh, it requires an area of 22 square meters of roof or 13 square meters of rooftop. The cost of the roof, excluding VAT, is 5,848 euros, while the cost of the rooftop is 5,700 euros, with an annual energy saving benefit of 825 euros and a payback period of 7.1 years. For medium consumption up to 6,500 kilowatt-hours, a roof area of 35 square meters or 21 square meters of rooftop is required, with costs amounting to 6,888 euros and 6,750 euros respectively. The annual savings amount to 1,320 euros, and the payback period is 5.2 years.
For the equipment, “myEnergy SolarNet” uses monocrystalline photovoltaic panels with a nominal power of 500W from EGING PV and LONGi SOLAR companies, with high efficiency and all necessary certifications.
Additionally, all necessary equipment for their installation is provided, such as mounts, cables, etc. The support mounts and construction have a 15-year warranty.
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With the installation of the photovoltaic system, which will reduce the cost of purchasing electrical energy, a warranty of proper operation is provided, including access to a specialized support center for event reporting and remote monitoring of correct operation by specialized technicians.
For one year, free repair of any system issues is provided, which may be due to material or installation errors.
Furthermore, with “myEnergy SolarNetSave,” an energy storage system is provided (Huawei’s LUNA2000 battery), consisting of a power control unit and storage elements, providing the ability for self-consumption during hours when direct use of the photovoltaic system is not possible (nighttime hours, unfavorable weather conditions, etc.). The facilities of interest-free installments and the 10% discount upon settlement apply to this program as well.
For both programs, “myEnergy SolarNet” and “myEnergy SolarNetSave,” additional free services and equipment worth 540 euros are provided, including a smart meter and monitoring application, insurance policy, and remote surveillance for a duration of 1 year, responsible installation declaration (YDE).
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