In the morning of Thursday, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis visited the Daphni Monastery in Haidari, inaugurating a busy schedule of tours ahead of the European elections, as he will be in Chios tomorrow, Friday, and in Chalkida on Saturday.
Accompanying him on the visit was Minister of Culture, Lina Mendoni.
The Prime Minister was guided through the Catholicon of the Daphni Monastery, one of the most important Byzantine monuments, primarily due to its mosaics. As the Minister of Culture informed him, similar mosaics can be found in two other churches, one of which is the Monastery of Chora.
Mr. Mitsotakis was briefed on the restoration works of the temple and the northern precinct, a project funded by European funds.
It is noted that the Daphni Monastery has been included in the official UNESCO list of World Cultural Heritage monuments.
This is the new road that relieves the Athens-Thessaloniki highway
After visiting the Daphni Monastery, the Prime Minister toured the Diomedes Botanical Garden, which is also located in Haidari.
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