Awaiting the announcement of scores at the end of June are high school candidates, following the completion of the Panhellenic University entrance exams last Wednesday. Along with the scores, the number of candidates who sat the examination this year, will give a clear picture of how the basis for admission to the schools and departments of Higher Education.
The courses that appeared to have given candidates a hard time will be the “keys”to completing this year’s puzzle as well. “In terms of the general performance picture, it is obvious that the difficulty of Mathematics will affect the 2nd Scientific Field (Science Studies) and the 4th (Economics and Computer Studies),” George Hadjitegas, an educator and analyst, told APE-MPA.
He added that the performance in the mathematics course combined with those in Physics “will have a downward effect on the bases in the 2nd Scientific Field, in the high-level departments of the central polytechnics.”
At the same time, he estimated that performance in Physics “will affect the marks in the high-level departments in the 3rd Science Field of Health Studies, with a visible footprint in the Medical Schools.”
With regard to the 1st Discipline, Humanities Studies, Mr. Hadjitegas estimated that the lowest average performance will be observed for another year in the History subject, as “this year’s subjects were considered by candidates to be quite demanding in this subject.”
The “unknown X”
The number of candidates who participated in the Panhellenic exams and their distribution in the scientific fields are two key pieces still missing from the puzzle. In particular, of particular interest is expected to be whether the movement of candidates from the 2nd to the 4th scientific field will continue, something that has been strongly observed in past years.
“The largest scientific field of Science Studies with 247 departments, i.e. more than half of all departments of Higher Education, has the fewest candidates”, added Mr. Hadjitegas.
By the end of June the scores
The announcement of the scores, which will probably be accompanied by the official statistics of the 2024 Panhellenic Examinations, is expected to be made in the last days of June.
Subsequently, the process of filling in the Computerised Data Sheets is expected to be completed in the first half of July, so that by the end of July the admission bases for admission to Higher Education will have been announced.
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