UPDATE: Contrary to the public’s sense of justice, shaped by the surge in domestic violence incidents and his role as a criminal lawyer defending abused women, and despite legal opinions suggesting that his act warrants pre-trial detention, investigating judge and prosecutor decided to release Apostolos Lytras for the severe beating of his wife.
The criminal lawyer was released after his testimony regarding the assault on his wife, a decision that raises questions and concerns about whether anyone can commit acts of violence and then roam freely by claiming psychological issues and the need for help. In his first statement following the decision, Lytras admitted to beating his wife and stated, “I cannot explain” the incident, adding that he would seek help for treatment.
According to reports, Apostolos Lytras was given a restraining order preventing him from approaching his wife. The conditions imposed on Lytras include the obligation to move out of their shared home, a ban on approaching his wife, and the requirement to attend a psychological support program.
“I confessed to my act, apologized to my wife whom I dearly love and to my three daughters. Unfortunately, I was in a state where this incident occurred. Even I cannot explain it. As she also testified, I have never been violent before. I will look for ways to seek treatment, to ask for help,” said Apostolos Lytras in his initial statement.
The well-known criminologist who brutally assaulted his wife, also a lawyer, is at the Evelpidon Courthouse to testify.
Earlier, the lawyer left the Omonia Police Station, where he had been taken following his arrest.
According to reports, the investigator handling the case went to the lawyer’s house in Gerakas in the evening to take her statement.
This indicates that the judicial official wanted to assess the victim’s condition firsthand. It is believed that the assault took place at the house in Gerakas.
Reports indicate that the lawyer described the events, with her testimony considered crucial for the case’s developments.
Until yesterday, the only statement the 37-year-old had given was at the clinic.
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Meanwhile, the doctor’s report, which has caused shock, details the examination of the criminologist’s wife in a clinic early Saturday morning.
The report states that the 37-year-old woman had head injuries, fractures, and swelling on her body.
In his statement, the doctor mentioned that he was called to examine a patient who had sustained head injuries.
He found that she had bruises, abrasions, and swelling, as well as a fractured nose and a fractured finger on her right hand.
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