The Tesla Roadster was initially announced a decade ago, with a projected release date in 2015. However, a series of production issues hindered its progress.
The story of the Roadster continued with hopes for production in 2020, then 2023, and now 2025, according to Tesla’s latest announcement.
After years of delays and obstacles, it seems that the second-generation Tesla Roadster is finally ready. The problem is that even if it is released now, the Roadster will be outdated. Over the past decade, several models in this category have surpassed the projected performance figures of the new Roadster.
The features of the Tesla Roadster remain impressive, but they are not revolutionary for electric hypercars. For example, the Roadster will deliver approximately 1,200 horsepower and achieve 0-100 km/h acceleration in 1.9 seconds. Its top speed is expected to be around 400 km/h.
While these performance numbers are extreme, competitors have already matched or exceeded them. For instance, the Rimac Nevera is faster, as are the Pininfarina Battista and the Aspark Owl. Even the Porsche Taycan Turbo GT is on par with these levels.
So, if Elon Musk intended for the Tesla Roadster to break all records, it likely won’t achieve that. Had the Roadster been released a decade ago when it was first announced, it would have been groundbreaking. But now, Tesla has missed its opportunity.
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