Last-minute changes to the rules for granting the 20% ENFIA discount have been introduced by the Deputy Minister of Finance, Christos Dimas. According to the new provisions, homeowners who received the discount in 2024 but failed to adjust their insured value above €1,000 per square meter during the past year will not lose the discount this year.
The new decision, effective from its publication in the Government Gazette (FEK), retroactively alters the terms for granting the discount this year. It stipulates that for 2025, the discount will still be based on the minimum insurance threshold that applied for last year’s discount (€900 per square meter), rather than the €1,000 that has been in effect since February 2024.
According to the decision, the minimum threshold “for the implementation of this provision is set at €1,000 per square meter.” However, “specifically for the years 2024 and 2025 (…) it is set at €900 per square meter.”
From the above, it is clear that to qualify for the discount from 2026 onward, homeowners must ensure that, for their 2025 policies and beyond, their home insurance exceeds €1,000 per square meter.
What’s changing
This new development was revealed to thousands of property owners via the myProperty platform, which opened on Wednesday, January 15, for submitting applications for the 2025 ENFIA reduction or for correcting the details submitted by insurance companies to the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (AADE) regarding insured homes.
A second chance for homeowners to properly insure their homes – What is provided for the 20% ENFIA discount
For those who were at risk of losing the discount, AADE’s reasoning stated that the insured value was “less than €900 per square meter,” incorporating the retroactive reduction of the required threshold.
On the contrary, following this development, property owners who failed to update their policies last year (relying on having received the discount in 2024 for home insurance they had taken out in 2023) will retain this privilege again this year – and in fact, it will now be doubled to 20%, compared to the 10% they received last year.
Applications until February 14
Taxpayers can submit applications for ENFIA reductions, as well as any amendments or corrections, until February 14 through the digital portal myAADE ( by following this path: Applications – Popular Applications – myPROPERTY – Reduction of ENFIA for insured residences.
The new terms now in effect after the new decision (A1002/2025) are as follows:
- “The reconstruction value of the residence for the implementation of this provision is set at €1,000 per square meter. Specifically, for the years 2024 and 2025, the reconstruction value of the residence is set at €900 per square meter.”
- “For the year 2025 and onward, applications (…) as well as any amendments and corrections thereof must be submitted no later than February 14 of the year for which the ENFIA reduction is granted. Confirmation of details by insurance companies (…) must be completed no later than February 28 of the same year as stipulated in the previous clause.”
- “For the years 2025 and onward, if the conditions in Article 1 are met for a period of one (1) year, a 20% reduction in ENFIA is granted for the ENFIA corresponding to the Unique Property Identification Numbers (ATAK) of the insured residence, provided that the taxable value of the residence for ENFIA purposes does not exceed €500,000. If the taxable value exceeds €500,000, a 10% reduction is granted.”
It is reminded that – as was the case last year and remains unchanged – the maximum ENFIA reduction is granted if the property was insured for the entire previous year. In cases of insurance lasting less than one (1) year, a proportional ENFIA reduction is provided based on the number of insured days. A minimum insurance duration of at least three months is required. This means that, proportionally to the duration of the year, the minimum discount starts at 5% for properties valued at up to €500,000 or 2.5% for properties valued over €500,000.
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