The amendments submitted by New Democracy (ND) and European People’s Party (EPP) MEP, Fredi Beleris, in the Committee on Regional Development (REGI) regarding the priorities of the European Social Fund for demographic issues have been accepted.
Mr. Beleris, through his amendments, placed particular emphasis on strengthening socially vulnerable families, such as large families and single-parent families.
At the same time, the ND and EPP MEP added areas with high unemployment rates and demographic crises, such as islands and remote regions, to the main goals of the European Social Fund (ESF), aiming to ensure decent living conditions and a balance between family and work life in these areas.
Additionally, he included as an obligation of the ESF actions aimed at reducing the housing crisis in urban, island, and remote areas.
Mr. Beleris’ amendments were incorporated into the opinion of the European Parliament’s Committee on Regional Development regarding the European Social Fund post-2027, which was unanimously approved. It is noted that the opinion on the European Social Fund will be integrated into the final resolution of the Employment Committee and will be ratified in the upcoming plenary sessions.
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