The government’s firm commitment to fully investigate the Tempi submersion, Paylos Marinakis at the Plenary Session of the Parliament, clarifying that the majority of the New Democracy will support a proposal for a preliminary investigation committee if the judiciary sends a relevant file on criminal responsibilities of specific politicians.
At the same time, the government spokesman responded to opposition complaints of a government cover-up and obstruction of investigations into the causes that led to the tragic accident, saying “We see the opposition executing an unprecedented propaganda on dangerous ground. He referred to a cover-up for the tragic accident in Tempe. On top of this attempt by the opposition to find a political lifeline on the backs of hurting people, a series of narratives is being built to misinform the citizens. It was a dark day for the country and no one could say anything – especially to relatives, brothers and sisters, and friends. Because these people experienced absolute pain and all we can do is bow our heads in apology for long-standing responsibilities and what was not done by all governments.”
Marinakis in his opening remarks in response to a topical question by Eleuthera Eleftherias MP Alexander Kazamia said criminal charges were being investigated by the judiciary. “There is a separation of powers and we have to respect it,” he said.
About the allegations of a cover-up, he said, “You talked about a cover-up and it is a heavy accusation. We have to answer every accusation to be clear to the citizens and especially to the relatives of the victims who are experiencing absolute pain and have every right to seek justice. What cover-up are you talking about?
Is there any case where the judiciary came across a politician’s name, sent it to Parliament and any of the majority MPs in the South West said no to the judiciary for investigation? Is there a case – apart from Convention 717, where an inquiry was called for by the KKE – where we refused an investigation?” The government spokesman even made it clear that the Southwest will support the establishment of a preliminary investigation if a request from the judiciary is sent to Parliament, “As long as justice falls on any name, the government and the Southwest will not prevent any investigation.” And he returned the gauntlet to the opposition saying that the complaints of citizens or relatives that have already been forwarded to Parliament are available to all MPs but no party has asked for an investigation. “You are lying that Mr Tasoulas has hidden the lawsuits. They are all available to you and I ask you? Did you file an indictment and we dismissed it? You are talking about a cover-up when there is no request from the judiciary and for the lawsuits you have not filed a motion for an investigation.”
Marinakis also mentioned government initiatives such as regulations to speed up procedures in critical criminal cases, the use of audio documents, the establishment of committees of independent experts, the commissioning of investigations at the Polytechnic, etc., which he said prove in practice that there is no intention of a cover-up. “Whoever wants to cover up, what does he do? He is doing what the previous government that set up parastatal ministries Justice. We did not close the case quickly instead we gave the judiciary self-evident freedom. We are all waiting for answers from the expert opinion and the explosion from the Polytechnic.
He who wants to cover up gives all the “weapons” to commissions with independent investigators. One answer is. Justice for all and whatever persons the investigation suggests.
Whose government initiative changed the expiry date for ministerial cases? By the N.D. Who changed the interrogation process for cases like Tempi so that we don’t have delays after the interrogation? The SW government. The ND government – without the opposition vote – allowed the use of audio conversations.”
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