From today, monitoring and data transmission software is available for installation on floating supply and transport vessels, allowing data from local input-output systems of marine fuel distribution vessels to be sent to the AADE Signal Reception Center. The collection of this data is expected to provide a significant boost in combating the smuggling of energy products.
Specifically, according to Joint Ministerial Decision A.1191/2024, issued by Deputy Minister of National Economy and Finance Christos Dimas, Deputy Minister of Development Anna Mani, Minister of Digital Governance Dimitris Papastergiou, Minister of Shipping and Island Policy Christos Stylianidis, and the Governor of the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (AADE) Giorgos Pitsilis, the following provisions apply:
- A Computing Unit with specific security specifications, which must be installed on floating supply and transport vessels.
- Data Management Software, provided by AADE, which will be embedded in the unit to:
- Collect input-output data and alerts.
- Store and transmit the data to the AADE Signal Reception Center.
- Interoperability of the software with the local input-output measurement system.
- Obligations of Shipowners & Operators:
- The installation, maintenance, and operation of the computing unit is the responsibility and expense of the shipowner, ship operator, or vessel manager.
- Data must be sent in the appropriate format to the AADE Signal Reception Center.
Obligated entities must ensure the installation of the software on the computing unit of their floating supply and transport vessel within two (2) months.
Key Deadlines:
- Until April 30, metering data and alerts from the local input-output system will be sent on a pilot basis to the AADE Signal Reception Center.
- From May 1 onward, the data transmission system will enter full operational status, and penalties will be imposed for any detected violations.
Instructions on how to access and install the software are available on the myAADE digital portal, under: Applications > Customs Services or Tax Services > Fuel Input-Output System > Floating Vessel Energy Product Tanks.
To access the application, the installer must either be registered in the Floating Vessel Energy Product Tank Registry of the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (AADE) or be authorized by a shipowner, ship operator, or vessel manager already listed in the registry.
In case of technical issues, stakeholders can contact the relevant AADE department at the following email address:
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