Work is underway in the left wing of the Parliament, discussing the filing of a motion of no confidence against the government for its handling of the Tempi tragedy, something announced yesterday by PASOK president Nikos Androulakis.
Today, SYRIZA president Socrates Famellos contacted the presidents of PASOK Nikos Androulakis, New Left Alexis Haritsis, Plefsi Eleftheria Zoe Konstantopoulou and KKE Dimitris Koutsoubas to support the no-confidence motion. Mr. Haritsis and Mrs. Constantopoulou replied in the affirmative, while Mr. Koutsoumbas clarified that the KKE supports it, but does not sign it.
In an interview, Famellos denounced an organised cover-up plan on the Tempi issue, and argued that there is a necessity for the motion of no-confidence.
The motion of impeachment against the government had also been announced by Nikos Androulakis, who, however, insists that it should be filed as soon as the new findings come to light.
It should be noted that a motion of no-confidence against the government requires 50 signatures of MPs to be debated in Parliament. So far, SYRIZA, New Left and Plefsi Eleftherias have gathered 43 MPs.
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