Citizens give a low degree of trust to political parties, the judiciary and European institutions, according to a poll conducted by Metron Analysis on behalf of the Alexis Tsipras Institute.
To the question “how much do you trust each of the following institutions?”, the family received the most positive answers, recording a balance of positive versus negative opinions +77. The Armed Forces followed well below with +40. The third institution is the Universities, with a balance of +24.
The third institution is the Universities, with a balance of +24.
A marginally negative balance was measured for the Church (-3) and the Police (-7).
Justice, supranational institutions (EU, UN, etc.) and NHS were recorded with low confidence, in the range of -24 to -31
Trust in government, banks and parliament is even lower (around -50).
The survey holds up the degree of trust in Parliament as an indicator of general political trust.
The balance reaches -70 in institutions such as the media, trade unions and political parties.

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