The Vlach Wedding, a protected custom included in Greece’s Intangible Cultural Heritage, is no coincidence that it coincides with the arrival of spring. It is considered a ritual of exceptional significance, rich in symbolism and meaning. Blending with local tradition, it offers both locals and visitors a one-of-a-kind reenactment through various festive events that begin on Tsiknopempti (Ash Thursday), continue on Cheesefare Sunday, and reach their peak on Clean Monday with the wedding procession. Accompanied by the sounds of the pipiza (traditional flute) and the daouli (drum), as well as the… satirical dialogues that surround it, the event is a spectacle to behold!
After the “dance of the dead”—a pre-Christian ritual that marks the conclusion of the Wedding’s ceremonial acts—the real revelry begins, with merriment, feasting, and dancing that last until the crack of dawn!
Fasting and non-fasting delicacies, an abundance of wine for all, dancing and celebration until morning alongside the Vlach groups that take over every corner of the city—this Wedding will be an experience you’ll never forget!

We invite you to join us once again this Carnival season for this unforgettable experience! And as the Vlachs traditionally say, we wish you: “See you next year… on the measure!”

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