New developments in the case of the death of little Panagiotis in Amalia, where Eirini Mourtzoukou is the central figure.
According to reports, a three-member committee will be formed by order of the prosecutor to review the medical examinations of the young Panagiotakis boy.
It is considered likely that the histopathological examinations will be sent abroad for further analysis.
New report “shows” criminal activity behind the death of little Panagiotis
Angeliki Nikolouli’s show, “Light in the Tunnel”, brought to light new evidence about the case of the death of little Panagiotis in Amaliada, where Irini Mourtzoukou is the central figure.
After more than four months, the preliminary investigation of the Department of Crimes against Life was completed and the full file of the case has now been forwarded to the prosecutor of Amalia. The file includes all the data collected by the police with conclusions that now set new data and determine the course of the case.
As stated in the report of the Patras coroner Andreas Gotsis, there are clear indications that the death of the child is not due to pathological causes but to a criminal act, with the woman at the center of the case, Irini Mourtzoukou, suspected of committing the homicide.
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