The Minister of National Defense, Nikos Dendias, issued a daily order to Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, National Guardsmen, Reservists, and the Civilian Personnel of the Armed Forces, on the occasion of the national anniversary of March 25th.
In his message, Mr. Dendias emphasized that “the security of the country requires a new strategic approach and modern force-multiplying means,” pointedly adding that “Greece does not rest on its laurels.”
He also referenced the “Agenda 2030,” calling it “the largest reform of the Armed Forces in the history of the modern Greek state.”
At the same time, he stated that “Greece has always maintained a deterrent posture in its strategy” and “safeguards its sovereign rights with strict adherence to the rules of International Law and the principles of peaceful coexistence.”
Dendias’ Daily Order for March 25th
“Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, National Guardsmen, Reservists, and our Civilian Personnel,
Today marks the beginning of our National Rebirth.
We honor the Fighters who chose to rise up and claim Independence from the Ottoman oppressor.
The historical path of Hellenism is a path of struggle.
Freedom among nations, throughout the course of humanity, is not a handout.
The independence we enjoy today, the State we have built, the Greek Republic, is the result of that continuous effort.
History, after all, teaches us that nothing should be taken for granted. National sovereignty demands vigilance. Above all, it requires Power to defend it.
That means Strong Armed Forces. The geopolitical reality confirms this daily.
Greece lies in a region of complex and multiple challenges. From traditional military conflicts to hybrid threats, the country’s security calls for a new strategic approach and modern force-multiplying tools.
Greece, therefore, does not rest.
With ‘Agenda 2030’ we are implementing the largest reform of the Armed Forces in the history of the modern Greek State:
- We are multiplying our operational capabilities.
- We are modernizing our equipment.
- We are investing in innovation and new technologies.
- We are upgrading our defense infrastructure.
- We are strengthening our strategic position in the broader region.
Greece has always maintained a deterrent character in its strategy.
It safeguards its sovereign rights with steadfast commitment to the rules of International Law and the principles of peaceful coexistence.
Our National Anniversary coincides with the Feast of the Annunciation, the celebration of the Theotokos, the Protector of our Armed Forces. Orthodoxy, as I have repeatedly stated, is an integral part of modern Hellenism.
Only by keeping the elements of our national identity vibrant, can Greece remain strong, stable, and sovereign, ready to meet the challenges of our times.
And these times demand our constant vigilance.
Today is not only a day of remembrance. It is, above all, a day of responsibility. We must live up to the legacy of our ancestors—with unity, with resolve, with strategic foresight.
We in the Armed Forces must always remember that we are the foundation of our society’s National Security. That is, the security of every Greek woman and every Greek man.
Thank you for your dedication to duty.
For your commitment to the Homeland.
For your contribution to preserving peace, stability, and our freedom.
May the Virgin Mary protect you and your families—and, of course, our entire Nation.
Long live March 25th, 1821!
Long live the Armed Forces!
Long live Greece!”
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