An envelope without a sender, arriving at the offices of the Greek Police Internal Affairs Unit last June, appears to have marked the beginning of the end for the corruption ring in the urban planning department of Rhodes.
The author of the letter, revealed by, described a fully established corruption system, providing details of the luxurious lifestyle enjoyed by members of the criminal organization.
The anonymous whistleblower reported that specific employees of Rhodes’ Urban Planning Department collaborated with private architects, engineers, and contractors, accepting bribes for illegal permits, false certifications, and covering up building violations.
He characteristically wrote: “If you pass through the service without an envelope (of money), you’re just another file that will never see the light of day. There’s a price list. 2,000 euros for a simple approval. 5,000 euros if you want an inspection certificate. 10,000 euros for out-of-plan cases.”
At the same time, he disclosed phone numbers, dates, meeting locations, and specific names, which became key to initiating prosecutorial intervention.
The complete letter regarding corruption at Rhodes Urban Planning Department:
Prompted by the Chalkida case that erupted this May 2024, read what’s happening at Rhodes Urban Planning:
- (…) Head of Rhodes Urban Planning (tel …)
- (…) Employee at Rhodes Urban Planning (…)
- (…) Employee at Rhodes Urban Planning
- (…) Employee at Rhodes Urban Planning (tel …) and
- (…) (tel …) Architect Engineer.
The above individuals do the following:
The external collaborator of the Urban Planning employees, architect (…), in cooperation with the above employees, issue permits from the Urban Planning to hotel owners/large businessmen on the island of Rhodes, who cannot obtain permits either because they have exhausted their building coefficient (e.g., adding a second floor) or simply because a permit cannot legally be issued. Anyone unable to get a permit legally goes to Mr. (…)
Specifically: – (…) informs his collaborators at Urban Planning that a client of his wants a permit and can’t get one. – They (Urban Planning employees) search in previous years for inactive permit protocols, e.g., from 2003, which were legally issued for a third unrelated person’s house construction but were never used. Then they either use this number or insert an intermediate number in the protocol, e.g., below number 701, inserting 701a. – They state in the fake permit that the study was done by a civil engineer named (…), who is now an elderly retired person suffering from dementia..!!! – They enter fake tax and engineering fee numbers in the false permit and – They use a fake Urban Planning stamp from previous years, or they’ve kept older stamps with names of employees who have retired and no longer work at Urban Planning but did so in, say, 2003, when the inactive permit was found in the protocol (see attached photo).
If you see in the photo, the stamp reads “Dodecanese Prefectural Self-Government – Urban Planning Directorate,” a service that no longer exists today. At the Urban Planning Department, the folder for this fake permit is empty….
The rates for these permits are 20,000 euros, 40,000 euros, and 50,000 euros. Mrs. (…) does not go below 40,000 euros.
They all lead lavish lifestyles: – The Head of Urban Planning (…) spent three weeks on holiday in Thailand for New Year’s 2024. 800,000 euros were found in his father-in-law’s bank account. – Mrs. (…) spent two weeks on family holidays during Easter in Vienna, Austria, etc. She wears very expensive clothes and flaunts her sudden wealth. – (…) drives around Rhodes in a brand-new electric Audi Q3. – The external collaborator and associate of the employees, Mr. (…), drives a Porsche Cayenne, gifted a Mercedes convertible to his new girlfriend, and recently purchased a new ultra-luxury Jaguar.
The total number of permits issued this way is around 40 to 50, possibly more.
Their greed has exceeded all limits.
If there is a complaint about works done under these fake permits, (…) (the Head) naturally delays ordering inspections, for a price, or even worse, Urban Planning employees have someone of their own file a complaint to keep blackmailing and demanding money to delay inspections further.
Check what I’m telling you, and you’ll strike gold.”
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