You’ve reached your destination and you just want to get in your hotel room and relax. But not so fast!
According to an article published on, we must be extra careful during our stay in hotel rooms or holiday rentals, as many of them pose dangers to our health.
See what to watch out for when you first enter the room you have booked for your holidays:
-In the hotel rooms which have not been disinfected properly, some of the most bacteria-ridden areas are the tap and the sink, the toilet flushing mechanism, the lower part of the toilet seat, the floor of the shower and the remote control.
-Discard the top cover or duvet cover (depending on what you find), pull it at the end of the bed and avoid touching it, if it is possible.
-Disinfect and wipe with a wet towel the faucet and the sink, the handle of the toilet and the shower faucets.
-Wipe all door handles and knobs, including the bathroom door. Clean the telephone, the TV remote and the cooler.
-According to a recent survey, many hotel chains do not clean the glasses that are often found on the table in the rooms. Therefore, it would be safe to assume that they are dirty and have been simply wiped with a towel to appear clean.
-The same goes for ice buckets (metal containers for ice) that are often overlooked by the housekeeping personnel of the hotels. Research has shown that these buckets are often used by visitors to vomit in, then simply rinsed with water and placed back on the bench.
-It is possible that some beds have bed bugs. Although not dangerous to health, they can be very annoying, leaving marks on your skin and ruining your holidays.
-The carpets in hotel rooms are rarely cleaned and the housekeeping personnel often thinks that a quick vacuum is enough to get rid of the germs. Mold, bacteria and fungi can grow in carpets. Bring a pair of flip flops or an extra pair of socks to wear inside your room and never leave your clothes on the floor.
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