The New Democracy and PASOK are up compared to October in a new poll by Interview for POLITIC.
The New Democracy, marginally increasing its strength, remains in first place with 27.2%. The PASOK, with 15.7% up from 13.1% in October, is steadily and upwardly in second place. The Syriza is recording an all-time low as it falls to 4.3% and is in seventh place. High percentages for Stefanos Kasselakis who the poll puts him at 6%.
See the detailed voting intention:
New Democracy: 27.2% (up from 25%)
PASOK – Movement of Change: 15.7% (from 13.1%)
Hellenic Solution: 8.5% (from 7.1%)
KKE: 8.0%
Voice of Reason: 7.0% (from 6%)
Movement of Democracy (Kasselakis): 6%
Syriza: 4.3% (from 6.6%)
Liberty Party: 3.5% (from 3.8%)
NIKI: 3.0% (from 4.4%)
MERA25: 3% (from 3.5%)
Nea Aristera: 2.5% (from 3%)
Undecided: 7.5% (from 14.5%)
In the popularity ratings of political leaders, Kyriakos Mitsotakis leads. In the suitability of a prime minister,
No one (45%) is ahead of the presidents of the top two parties. Mitsotakis is at 40% and Androulakis well below at 15%.
7 in 10 in favour of Samaras’ expulsion
Seven out of 10 voters of the New Democracy party agree with the deletion, while voters of the other parties are more moderate, with 48% agreeing and 44% disagreeing.
Alexis Tsipras’ return
Almost 7 in 10 say that a possible return to active politics of Alexis Tsipras would not cause a change in the political scene.