African Dust: The guidelines for protection – Who should be more careful

African dust affects infants & children more, as well as people over 65, those with chronic respiratory diseases & chronic cardiovascular condition

The large-scale (thousands of kilometers) transport of desert dust around the planet is a natural phenomenon that plays a central role in shaping the composition of the atmosphere and the environment, as well as in shaping weather conditions and climate. Dust transport episodes are usually seasonal. In Europe and Greece, in particular, dust episodes are more frequent in spring.

Who might be at risk from African dust

African dust can affect anyone, but the risk is greater for vulnerable population groups, such as:

– Children and infants.
– Individuals >65 years old.
– Individuals with chronic respiratory conditions, primarily bronchial asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
– Individuals with chronic cardiovascular conditions.

See Also:

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What you can do to protect yourself and your family:

– Stay informed. Monitor air quality reports and weather forecasts to know when African dust levels are expected to be high.

– When dust levels are high, take measures:

a) Limit outdoor activities.

§ Minimize outdoor activities or unnecessary outings.

§ Stay indoors, such as at home or the office. If you need to go outside, minimize time spent outdoors.

§ Prefer using a car for transportation. It’s recommended to keep windows closed and use the internal circulation ventilation system.

§ Avoid intense physical work or outdoor sports activities, such as biking, running, or walking outdoors, sports practices, or competitions in open areas (swimming pools, fields, stadiums). Transfer such activities to suitable indoor sports halls or postpone them for other days, if feasible.

b) Use high respiratory protection masks. When going outside, especially in conditions of high dust concentrations, it’s recommended to wear a high respiratory protection mask (FFP2/ KN95/N95) to reduce inhalation of particles.

c) Take measures to improve indoor air quality.

§ Maintain good air quality indoors, at home, in the office, etc.

§ Minimize infiltration of outdoor air by keeping windows and doors closed as much as possible.

§ Improve insulation of indoor spaces (door and window crevices) to prevent dust from entering indoor spaces.

§ Timely activate air purification devices – if available – and ensure they have appropriate filters and are functioning properly.

§ Clean contact surfaces with a damp cloth, such as tables and countertops, and mop the floor.

§ Avoid activities that worsen indoor air quality, such as smoking, using electric vacuum cleaners, cooking with gas, lighting candles and fireplaces.

d) Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water.