Another unsung hero of the grocery store hostage situation

While the terrorist Coulibaly was taking pictures and video of his victims, the Muslim, Lassana Bathily from Mali, managed to safeguard the security of 15 hostages

The hostage situation in the jewish grocery store in France was recorded on video, according to French newspaper “Le Monde”‘s website. Amedy Coulibaly, aged 33, who sowed terror and death in the jewish grocery market, had a “GoPro” camera, along with his Kalashnikov assault rifles, and a computer. The camera is expected to shed light on how he acted as well as revealing any of his associates.


According to the French newspaper, his aim was to take pictures while threatening hostages, and for the footage to be uploaded to the Internet with the help of a computer. French authorities are investigating the contents of the camera’s memory card, while it is still unknown whether some pictures or video were uploaded before he was killed during the police assault. “Le Monde” clarifies that a similar camera was discovered in the getaway car the Kouachi brothers used to escape.


When Coulibaly atacked the grocery store in Paris, panic obviously prevailed. Customers started running towards any direction, but Lassana Bathily, from Mali, who was one of the cashiers at the jewish grocery store, managed to keep his calm and hide 15 people inside one of the store’s fridges.


Without losing his mind, the 24 year old Muslim opened the fridge door, told them to go inside, turned off the lights, and hid them there saying that they have to remain calm while he looks for a way to escape and warn Police.


Lassana managed to get out by using the freight elevator. When he found himself on the street, he informed police about the situation in the grocery store and explained where he had hidden 15 people who were patiently waiting for the end of the hostage situation in temperatures reaching -3 degrees Celsius.


These photos published today by the Daily Mail show images from the situation inside the refrigerator. People holding each other and sharing body heat, trying to warm up near paper food boxes, terrified and worried about their fate.


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