Associated Press: Financially “wounded” Greece still has a long way to recovery

According to a sociologist of the University of Cambridge”Economic downturn may have lasted six years however,social crisis will last much longer”

While the Greek Prime Minister states publicly that hope will soon return to our country, a report by Associated Press notes the “chill” figures  show the state in which Greek citizens are.

According to the report one in five Greek households have all members of the family unemployed, while about three million people have no access to health care due prolonged unemployment.

Despite the fact that Greece has began leaving the crisis behind , the social impact of the recession will not be able to be removed easily, states the article.

Experts  support that it will take several years to reverse the situation.

Sociologist of Cambridge University Alexander Kentikelenis noted that: “The time of crisis does not coincide with the social consequences of the crisis. The economic downturn may lasted six years, but the social crisis will last longer. ”

The chronicle of crisis does not coincide with the social consequences of the crisis. The economic downturn may have lasted six years, but the social crisis will last much longer. “