CNN labels Greece as an "emerging hub" for terrorism

As if the economic crisis weren’t enough, the next Greek government will also have terrorism to deal with!

CNN just described Greece as an “emerging hub” for terrorists, stating that it has become an “unwitting crossroads” for jihadists moving to and from Europe and the Middle East.

The reason given by the once-dominant global news network is Greece’s geographical position, i.e. close proximity to Turkey and routes used by illegal migrant smugglers, along with new groups of refugee communities (fleeing Syrians, for instance) where jihadis could take cover.  Counter-terrorism sources warned that jihadist groups are eying the country, with an estimated 200 people in Greece that may have links to ISS or the al Nusra front – two groups of violent religious fanatics seeking European recruits.

The article also gives a timeline of arrests on Greek territory. For Greece, however, the risk of an attack within the country is low as it is not seen as a “target” but a “gateway into Europe”.

About 2,000 people, mainly arriving by ferry from Italy, have used Greece in the last two years as a stop.

Greek police have difficulty in dealing with the jihadists as they lack terrorism specialists, according to the report.

John M. Nomikos, director of the Research Institute for European and American Studies in Athens, is quoted as saying:  “The country urgently needs a department of homeland security in order to coordinate intelligence-sharing among the Greek intelligence service (NIS-EYP), anti-terrorism squad intelligence unit.”