Countdown for Troika’s return

Troika is expected to come to Greece following the Eurogroup meeting on Thursday

Bargaining has begun prior to the return of the troika of Greece’s international creditors to Athens. The troika, made up of representatives from the European Commission, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund, have requested that the Greek government fully outline its positions on key areas of negotiation prior to their next visit to Greece that is expected to follow the Eurogroup meeting to be attended by EU finance ministers on Thursday.

Troika’s visit could take place at any time between November 7-10, however a team of officials are already in Greece according to reports with meetings at the Ministry of Finance and General Secretariat of Public Revenue on Tuesday. The officials are examining the state of tax revenue and debt restructuring prior to the troika’s official visit.

The government is currently racing to finalize key issues such as the restructuring of debt to banks and the public sector prior to the troika’s return. It is hoped that a number of outstanding matters will soon be structured so that the focus can be on Greece’s smooth exit from the memorandum.