Creta Divina, starring Robert Powell, explores divine Crete (photos + video)

Robert Powell was chosen to star in the docudrama because of his “spirituality”

Creta Divina, a docudrama that premiers in September, casts the spotlight on the island of Crete. British Actor Robert Powell, known for his role as Jesus in Franco Zeffirelli’s 1977 film “Jesus of Nazareth,  participates in the documentary that explores the culture, archaeology and history of the Greek island. The work is the brainchild of director/screenwriter Fotis Konstantinidis, and it includes footage at leading locations such as Knossos, Festos, Zakros, Zominthos, Palaikastro, Kommo and Kastelli.


“Creta Divina embraces the culture, archaeology, mythology and natural beauty of Crete,” says Konstantinidis. “Powell portrays an English widower, Harold, a retired history professor and amateur botanist who seeks a herb that only grows at Crete’s archeological sites.” Powell was chosen for the role due to the “spirituality” he emanates as well as his knowledge of Ancient Greek.


On his part, Powell said that he was excited to visit Heraklion, and that this was not his first time in Crete. “I am happy to experience, through the film, the history, culture and mythology of Crete, an island renowned for its people and hospitality,” said Powell.


During an event at the Archeological Museum of Heraklion, Konstantinidis thanked the region of Crete for supporting the film along with private funders.