On 17 May, Bulgaria will host the EU Summit with countries of Western Balkans, which is expected to finalize an agreement on transport, energy and digital connections in this region.
While everything seemed to be on the right tracks, the Bulgarian rotating presidency of the EU has faced the refusal of five countries which have not recognized Kosovo to participate.
Thus, the Summit is expected to be held with Kosovo’s presence, but by respecting the “neutrality” for the status, said the spokesperson of the Bulgarian EU presidency, Genoveva Cervenakova.
“We’re aware of the importance of the relations of the member countries which have not recognized Kosovo with this country and we’re working to address this issue”, Cervenakova said.
She said that Bulgaria’s objective is for the summit to be attended by all 28 member countries and to send out a message of unity for Western Balkan’s European integration, which is one of the priorities of the Bulgarian presidency.
Spain, Romania and Cyprus were the biggest opponents of Kosovo’s participation as a state in this summit.
It is understood that Bulgaria is talking to Madrid to find an acceptable solution and it is also trying to find the necessary modalities to convince the Slovakian authorities to participate. In this summit, Kosovo is represented by the country’s PM, Ramush Haradinaj.
Source: balkaneu
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