FinMin: ‘You’re spoiling a celebration with impertinent questions’

FinMin says radical left govt has …stockpiled supplies for 'siege'

Here’s what Greek FinMin Yanis Varoufakis told a television crew from Britain’s “Sky News” on Sunday as people voted in a snap referendum called by his SYRIZA government a week ago:
“You are spoiling a celebration with impertinent question”!
The response came to a press question about cash in ATMs, given that capital controls have been imposed for a week, as a bank holiday is in place. The decision has resulted in long lines of bank account holders standing outside ATMs, with a good proportion being pensioners.

People are now withdrawing 50 euros maximum, as most cash machines lack 20-euro bank notes necessary to spit out the allowed 60 euros.

Earlier, in describing a “war economy” framework, the Telegraph over the weekend has the government’s previously globetrotting game theorist saying the country has stockpiled enough fuel and pharmaceuticals for a … “long siege”.

Although this …wasn’t part of the pre-election campaign pledges, Varoufakis, who most recent stints before turning to Greek politics were in Austin, Texas and Seattle, said SYRIZA still wants negotiations with creditors, “but it stands ready to fight unless it secures major debt relief”.

“Luckily we have six months stocks of oil and four months stocks of pharmaceuticals,” he told The Telegraph and reporter Ambrose Evans-Pritchard.


The self-described “erratic Marxist” boasts that a special five-man committee from the Greek treasury, the Bank of Greece, the trade unions and the private banks is working feverishly in a “war room” near his office allocating precious reserves for top priorities.

As per dwindling cash reserves, given that bank account holders are taking out the maximum (60 euros) allowed per day, he said: “We can last through to the weekend and probably to Monday.”