Frontex: ISIS exploits refugee crisis to infiltrate Europe

“Islamist extremists will exploit irregular migration flows whenever such movements’ fit their plans” the report mentions

A Risk Analysis carried out by Frontex reveals that mass migration is allowing terrorists to sneak into EU.

The Risk Analysis for 2016 said: “The Paris attacks in November 2015 clearly demonstrated that irregular migratory flows could be used by terrorists to enter the EU.

“Two of the terrorists involved in the attacks had previously irregularly entered through Leros and had been registered by the Greek authorities. They presented fraudulent Syrian documents to speed up their registration process.

Therefore, the report suggests that “screening activities are essential to properly verify their declaration of nationality”.

“With a large number of persons arriving with false or no identification documents or raising concerns over the validity of their claimed nationality – with no thorough check or penalties in place for those making such false declarations, there is a risk that some persons representing a security threat to the EU may be taking advantage of this situation.”

The report added: “The staggering number of EU citizens who joined the conflict as jihadists has resulted in a number of returnees opting to use irregular means of travelling.

“Islamist extremists will exploit irregular migration flows whenever such movements’ fit their plans.”

According to Frontex, more than 1.8 million illegal border crossings were detected by EU member states in 2015, six times the number reported in 2014.