Gastro doctors share the 1 food they never (or rarely) eat

The saying “everything in moderation” exists for a reason

Looks harmless, right? Look out for that white bread.

We all have our indulgences: A big bowl of chocolate ice cream after a long, stressful day. That can of Coke with a few slices of pizza on a Friday night. A burger and fries at that new restaurant everyone’s been raving about.

The saying “everything in moderation” exists for a reason. Most doctors and nutritionists know that completely depriving yourself of foods you love will backfire, causing you to eat way more of them than you should. But there are certain foods that gastroenterologists — doctors who specialize in keeping your gut and digestive tract healthy — avoid 99% (and sometimes 100%) of the time.

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None of these foods will take years off your life if you eat them now and then, but there are certain foods GI docs rarely eat. Here are six of them.

Read more: Huffpost