Greek FinMin’s scandalous propaganda in favor of Bitcoin (see video)

Could Greece’s FinMin Y. Varoufakis be a crypto-anarchist in favor of a cryptocurrency?

Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis is fast rising as a guru of ‘iconic’ economies following Proto Thema’s expository account of his relationship with Singaporean Tembusu Systems where he retained the post of adviser even after becoming Greeces’ finance chief.

Three videos created on April 15, 2015, by Dr. Kostas Mouratidis from the Department of Economics of the University of Sheffield feature Varoufakis speaking in favor of Bitcoins, a type of digital crypto-currency in which encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of funds, operating independently of a central bank.

Part of what he says:

“There is no need to pay commission. There is no need to pay debt to any banker. There is an absolute democracy and those who are in fear of manipulation of money by central banks or bankers feel involved in a monetary system which is released from these dangers. Each tool can be used for good and evil purposes. Let us not forget that in Europe the European Central bank produced the 500-euro banknotes. I do not think that you and I have used them often. They are the notes that drug dealers especially love. Does it mean that the European central bank created these notes for drug dealers?”

In another video K.P. is a crypto-anarchist who says it “is an economic model that is managed and controlled by its users. Essentially it bypasses the role of the bank since anyone can be the bank of themselves. Generally, it integrated in the cryptoanarcy movement namely the internet form of internet. It is based on the information’s ecryption and it intends to preserve freedom and privacy.”

The full 15-minute video: