Guardian: Tsipras can make the dreams of 1968 come true

British newspaper estimates that if elections are held in February SYRIZA will form a government

Extremely flattering comments about SYRIZA and its leader Alexis Tsipras reports the British newspaper Guardian in a tribute to the three left parties in Greece, Spain and Slovenia which precede the polls and possibly will be government.

The article is entitled: “The new left parties in Europe can make the dream of 1968” and the newspaper estimates that if elections are held in February  SYRIZA will form a government.

According to the report SYRIZA is the most popular party in Greece 11% ahead of New Democracy. “If elections are held in February, there is no doubt that SYRIZA will be able to form a government” says the report.

Among other, the reporter describes the latest polls in Greece Spain and Slovenia, where the left parties are extremely popular and he continues by stressing that if the predictions that SYRIZA will be the first truly left government in Europe, next year the test of its success can be a repetition of the scene of the film Gavras where Joschka Fischer will be discussing  with Alexis Tsipras “.
