ISIS’ list of “Crimes and Punishment”

Extremism at its worst

Dozens of executions, torture and crucifixions of citizens have taken place in ISIS-occupied territories after the victims have been accused of various crimes. These punishments have taken place without the existence of any form of lawful trial.


In a list released by ISIS, all those “judged” guilty of crimes are punished by amputation, crucifixion, death by stoning, etc.


Amongst the “guilty parties” are a woman killed by stoning after being accused of adultery, 17 men who were crucified without any reasoning, while two men accused of being gay were thrown off a roof of a building. All this, in 48 hours.


The list of the “Crimes” and punishment is the following:


Blasphemy against Allah: Death

Blasphemy against the Prophet Muhammad: Death, even if the guilty party recants

Blasphemy against Islam: Death

Adultery: Death by stoning if the adulterer is married, and 100 lashes if the ‘perpetrator’ is unmarried.

Homosexuality: Death for both parties engaged in it

Stealing: Amputation of the hand

Alcohol consumption: 80 lashes

Spying: Death

Defection: Death

Murder and robbery: Death and crucifixion

Murder: Death

Robbery: Amputation of the right hand and left foot

Terrorism: Exile