Kate Upton declares war on Greek mythology (photos + video)

Kate Upton may be sexy but is she really the goddess Athena? Come on, Kate, read Homer!

Sexy Kate Upton appears in an ad for a new mobile game as Athena, the ancient Greek goddess of wisdom and war. She appears without her trademark helmet and shield, wearing a revealing white gown covered by shiny gold armor for “Game of War: Fire Age”.


“Come and play with me!” she beckons. “ou could meet some of my friends.”

Fire-breathing dragons and ogres appear alongside her on the battlefield even though they aren’t present in any story of Greek mythology.


Players will be able to use Upton as an avatar in the game and she feels happy to have the opportunity to be instrumental in the start of a new era in gaming. She’s probably happier still to have been paid $40 million for the opportunity.


In the game, Kate Upton as the goddess Athena slays the hydra a role typically held by Greek hero Hercules that Hollywood has also misrepresented in the past.”She’s such a bad-ass character, commanding armies, slaying hydra, charging into battle – the work shows how much fun it is, and I am proud to be part of it,” said Kate, without revealing whether she’s ever read about the goddess as depicted in Homer or other Greek texts.

A number of Greek historians raise their eyebrows at sexy Upton, who is hardly the virginal, non-provocative virgin goddess texts point to and a number of Greeks believe its hubris casting the blond bombshell in the role.