Kifissia or Kozani! Where do the richest Greeks live?

Taxpayers in traditionally affluent suburbs in Athens are getting poorer, placing the most wealthy in Northern Greece

Ask most Greeks, and they’ll tell you that the richest Greeks live in Ekali, Kifisia or Filothei in the northern suburbs of Athens. The truth, according to data of the General Secretariat of Public Revenue, is that the wealthy Greeks of the Athens northern suburbs are constantly getting poorer. Hence, the new wealthy Greeks are in Kozani – northern Greece.

The data shows that 233,087 taxpayers declared income higher than 44,020.54 euros for 2013. 548,581 taxpayers declared income up to 2,934.71 euros and 994,365 incomes are worth 5,869.41 euros. That means that 1,542,946 Greeks live on 16 euros per day. It was found that there is a growing number of people with low incomes living in traditionally affluent suburbs.

The changing wealth demographics map shows that a growing number of wealthy people are from Kozani, Ptolemaida, Megalopolis and Tripoli,  that take the lead from the northern suburbs of Athens. In Kozani in 2012, there were 2,473 tax statements with earnings higher than 44,020.54 euros per year at the time when there were just 778 taxpayers that could show such earnings for the same period. Worst still, these amounts dropped to 681 in 2013. Meanwhile, in 2013, there were 1,565 people that declared over 44.020.54 euros for 2013 whereas Filothei had just 889 taxpayers with equivalent earnings. In Ptolemaidou, 1,829 people declared earnings over 44,020.54 in 2012 nd 1,040 declared such amounts in 2013.