USA: Police operation at UCLA – Arrests & rubber bullets against protesters (videos)

Clashes between police and hundreds of protesters on campus – Camp dismantled

Clashes between police and pro-Palestinian demonstrators occurred on Thursday afternoon (Greek time) at the University of California campus in Los Angeles (UCLA), with hundreds of police officers dismantling barricades and making arrests, firing flashbangs and rubber bullets.

Police entered Diskson Court, where the main encampment was located. Many protesters have already left the area, but others remain surrounded. Police are dismantling tents and appear to have largely brought the square under their control. It is not yet clear if protesters have settled in other areas of the campus.

According to the Associated Press, the area was filled with the sound of flashbang grenades. Police officers were wearing gas masks and protective vests, standing with their batons extended to separate them from the protesters, who were wearing helmets and gas masks.

The police systematically dismantled the barricade made of pallets and metal fences, as well as trash cans, and created an opening towards dozens of protesters’ tents. Police demolished awnings and tents. Protesters held umbrellas as shields while facing dozens of police officers.

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Footage from KABC-TV showed at least two individuals being taken away in handcuffs by police, while earlier, at least two more individuals were seen being taken away in handcuffs by law enforcement officers.

Earlier, the same station had reported that two buses filled with detainees were also spotted. ABC reported that as protesters were being removed, others shouted “Shame on you” at the police.

Meanwhile, police physically pushed back protesters shouting “back off” and shining lights on their faces.