ND calls on Greek PM to investigate media reports citing Flambouraris’ foul play

If half of the reports concerning State Minister Alekos Flambouraris are true then the government owes it to the Greek people to ensure that its MPs can keep the laws they expect citizens to obey

The Main opposition conservative New Democracy party called on Greece’s Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA) Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on Thursday to explain a report in Greek daily Ta Nea that claims the Municipality of Aegina wrote off a 4,000-euro debt belonging to State Minister Alekos Flambouraris – who owns a holiday home on the island – towards the water utility company.

Greece’s conservatives are accusing Flambouraris of continuously provoking the Greek people. Separate media reports claim that he forgot to include millions of euros worth of revenues from his company in his wealth declaration to Greek Parliament while participating in the 100-installment debt scheme for tax payers who are in arrears towards the State.

The party is critical of the PM for covering up for the minister who is considered to be his mentor. Nonetheless, if the reports are true then Tsipras owes it to the Greek people to investigate.