New Grand Theft Auto lets you have first-person sex with a prostitute (Videos + Photos)

The player’s avatar may also beat the woman up or murder her

The new upgraded version of popular Grand Theft Auto game has already caused controversy over its outrageous graphic content, as it allows players to have virtual POV sex with a prostitute.

Moreover, when the sexual act is over, their avatar may even beat up or murder the woman to get his money back!

The specific scenes which are part of the upgraded version of the game for Playstation 4 and Xbox One are very realistic, as the sexual act is explicitly visible from the first person perspective for the first time.

What’s more, during the sexual encounter, the virtual prostitute moans and talks dirty to her customer.

Rockstar company, the Publisher of the game, stated the following commenting on the controversial content: “Obviously, we felt like one of the most compelling things you could do to make an experience people have had before feel different was the new first-person mode. This new mode gives players the chance to explore the world of Los Santos and Blaine County directly through the eyes of their character, revealing all the world’s glorious details in an entirely new way.”



