46 of the survivors of the Norman Atlantic ferry disaster speak of agony and terror. They spoke to journalists upon their arrival at Igoumenitsa on Monday night aboard the Europa Cruise ship. Seven of the people who arrived at the Greek port were Turks, four were French and the rest were Greek. Three of the survivors were rushed to Ioannina hospital with breathing problems due to the clouds of smoke that had enveloped the ferry however their condition is not considered dangerous.
Many of the families on board went through hours of agony before managing to find refuge from the cold, wind and rain.
The four-membered Apostolou family took the Italian Norman Atlantic routine Patras-Igoumenitsa-Ancona route for their first family vacation abroad. They began their journey at Volos and headed to Milan. The parents lost their children, aged 11 and 8 years of age and sought them through the thick clouds of smoke and cold temperatures. Thankfully, their tale had a happy ending as they all arrived safe back to Greece on Monday night.
Another characteristic case is that of a family with two sons whose mother ended up in Lecce whereas the father found himself on an Italian frigate.
Two young siblings arrived safe and sound without their parents with home they will be reunited at Elefsina.
Μικρά παιδιά, άντρες και γυναίκες που αντιμετώπισαν τον τρόμο στο φλεγόμενο πλοίο και κατόπιν δεκάδες ώρες ταλαιπωρίας έως ότου διασωθούν και βρουν καταφύγιο από το κρύο, τον αέρα και τη βροχή, επέστρεψαν στην πατρίδα και τις οικογένειές τους.
There were moments of joy as families were reunited with their loved ones, however there was disappointment for those who showed up at Igoumenitsa hoping to find their relatives only to realize that they were not amongst the batch of survivors brought here.
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