Tsipras: We are not opportunists – We fulfill out commitments

“You are asking for election, because you want to save some of your friends” he said addressing ND leader

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras asked the leader of main opposition New Democracy to determine what is the alternative he proposes for the country and what does he mean when he talks about cuts.

“You are obviously talking about cuts in salaries, pensions and layoffs but you do not dare to say it clearly,” Mr. Tsipras said during plenary session.

“You are asking for election, because you want to save some of your friends, editors, TV channel owners, who are seeing that the corruption network has started collapsing” he said.

Mr. Tsipras continued apologizing for the unfulfilled promises by saying that in the election conducted in September, “we told society that we did not achieve everything we wanted, that we will apply the agreement of summer, without give in to unreasonable demands.”

We are keeping one of our campaign promises, he said and explained that the government wants to proceed to social security reform without major cut pensions.