Reuters: Tsipras backed down on matters with Europe – Will gain if he moves to radical reforms

The journalist proposes tax amnesty, cancellation of privileges –both in taxation and retirement plans- for judges, generals and high-ranking public officials

Hugo Dixon, for Reuters BreakingNews wrote an article titled: “Time for Alexis Tsipras to keep his nerve”. The article writer stated that the Greek PM has crossed the Rubicon in asking for an extension to the loan agreement, while he “Abandoned many election promises”. Dixon comments that Mr. Tsipras backed down on Friday, when he realized that a bank run is gaining ground and that his government wouldn’t last the month if he did not make a deal with lenders.


“On the other hand, Tsipras has had to swallow much bitter medicine. Not only has he had to ask for an extension of the programme with monitoring by the unpopular European Commission, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund. He has had to promise not to roll back the reforms introduced by previous governments or introduce any controversial measures of his own during the four-month period when he will conduct negotiations on a new long-term deal”,

stated Dixon, while underlining that Tsipras has to present the new reforms plan by Monday.  He mentioned that this turn will infuriate the far left wing within his own party, but that the turn is for the better of the Greek people. He underlined that Tsipras should not half-heartedly deal with his party’s far left wing.


“Tsipras has long said he wants to combat tax evasion, corruption and special privileges, as well as rein in the oligarchs who control swaths of the economy and stifle enterprise. Now is his chance to prove he means business”.


The journalist proposes tax amnesty, cancellation of privileges –both in taxation and retirement plans- for judges, generals and high-ranking public officials.


He concluded that Alexis Tsipras is popular enough to dare radical reforms.