Staying alive! Greek MPs vote on second round of reforms (Watch: Live streaming)

WATCH LIVE: After Monday’s round of voting that saw a split in the ruling party, a new round of measures are being passed in Greek parliament on Wednesday

Greek Parliament is to vote on a second set of EU-dictated reforms on Wednesday. The vote has caused a rift within the Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA) party and is expected to pass with the support of opposition parties after 32 of the radical left party’s 149 MPs voted against the first tranche of bailout measures and six abstained.

SYRIZA Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras talked to SYRIZA officials on the eve of Wednesday’s vote and said that his aim was to seal the bailout accord that would offer Greece up to 86 bn euros. “Up until now I’ve seen reactions, I’ve read heroic statements but I haven’t heard any alternative proposal,” he was reported as saying by Reuters. He warned hardliners that most Greeks desire to remain in the single currency and that SYRIZA must reflect society and address “the worries and expectations of tens of thousnds of ordinary people who have pinned their hopes on it.”

Watch the debate in Greek Parliament as it unfolds: