Strike action at ancient monuments and museums over salary cuts

Greek workers are aghast over the 35% cuts to their weekend pay

The Panhellenic Union of Antiquities Guards is hosting weekent strike action in protest of a new salary system to be implemented in 2016. This means that all museums, archeological and monument sites will be closed on weekends and public holidays in protest against cuts in weekend rates.

A statement released by the union says that the 35% reductions as part of bailout-required reforms in public sector salaries are unacceptable and warn that weekend strikes would continue unless the government revoked the measure.

The strike action has been slammed by the travel sector. “Blackmail or ultimatums have no place in culture and tourism,” the Federation of Hellenic Associations of Tourist & Travel Agencies (FEDHATTA) said in a letter to the appropriate ministry. “We all have to respect both our cultural heritage and tourism.”

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