Dec 2024
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> analysis

> analysis

Uzay Bulut: Turkey’s government enables terrorists – Analysis

Foundation for the Defense of Democracies: "In 2012, the Turkish government reportedly donated $300 million to Hamas ... Hamas uses these payments to fund terrorism..."

Top CNN Data Analyst breaks down why Biden is in trouble

"Trump’s rally in the Bronx should be worrying for Biden even though Biden handily won the district in 2020 and is not in serious danger of losing it in 2024"

New York Times: How Greece, Spain & Portugal became leaders of development in the Eurozone

"Europe’s economic laggards have become its leaders"

The world isn’t as messed up as you might think – Analysis

Citi researchers examined more than 100 years of geopolitical developments to assess where we stand now & what degree of risk global investors face

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