Mar 2025
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> archaeologist

> archaeologist

Constantine Palaiologos: What the archaeologist who discovered his portrait says

"I kept looking at him, looking at him, and I knew who I was looking at. I knew what had been discovered in that moment—it’s a staggering experience to make such a discovery," said archaeologist Anastasia Koumousi

Parthenon sculptures: The Turkish archaeologist who supports their return to Greece

Zeynep Boz expressed enthusiastic support for the Greek stance, stating, 'We wholeheartedly look forward to celebrating the return of the Sculptures to Greece'

Dimitris Pantermalis: The chairman of the board of the Acropolis Museum has died

"His great work, his life's vision, was the Acropolis Museum"

Amateur archaeologist uncovers 2,000-year-old Roman battle site in Switzerland

They think the Romans fought a local Rhaetian tribe at the site around 15 B.C